Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Oregon Bad for Business

During the “Great Recession” (Dec 07 – June 09) the United States lost 271,553 or 3.52% of business establishments with employees. In Oregon we lost 5,349 or 4.72% ranking Oregon 42 out of 51.

Entrepreneurs fueled by private investor’s fuel economic growth through small business not the government. However if we are going to transform Oregon from a state of high unemployment and low opportunity into a thriving and prosperous state we need a state government that will stop oppressing job creators but instead create a welcoming environment  and unleash our abundance of natural and renewable resources.

They can start with lowing personal income and capital gains tax which are the highest in the country @ 11% as well as corporate income and capital gains that place 28th in the nation at 7.6%.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Will My Generation Please Wake Up

When will the masses of my generation wake up and understand that they are entitled to nothing they do not earn? Instead of envying the fruit of other peoples labors they should rise to the challenges and participate in the journey to success that many of us call work. This is the land of freedom and opportunity not the land of the entitled. Instead of asking those who already carry the weight of our nation’s taxes on their shoulders to pay more they should start asking the government to do less for and start doing more on their own. Instead of demonizing business they should get out there find a need deliver value and learn what it is like to be an entrepreneur. Just stop blaming their shortcomings and failures on everyone and everything else and learn to accept correction and prosper.  

Eric Saub

Venture Capital Firms Can't Find Investors

Venture capitalists in the 3rd quarter raised less than half of the $3.5 billion collected in the same time last year. In fact the $1.7 billion raised in the 3rd quarter is the lowest sense 2003.

Considering the war that has been waged against entrepreneurs, businesses and investors this should be of no surprise. If we are seeking economic prosperity, increased opportunity and lower unemployment then we need to remove the government made barriers, challenges and cost that stand in the way of economic prosperity. Remember economic prosperity starts with entrepreneurs and our small businesses that are fueled by private, free market investors.

Eric Saub

Poverty Increases as Political Thugs War Against Businesses and Financial Successful

With Poverty at a record high and a record demand from the Oregon Food Bank it is hard not to point out that this is what happens when you put political thugs in charge who war against business, success and opportunity even though they preach long and loud about doing "good" for the poor? They drive more into poverty when they should be driving the poor out of poverty. They reward and nurture those who refuse to work when punishing those that do all while retracting opportunity for everyone including those that want nothing more than the opportunity to make it on their own.

Eric Saub

Obama Appointee GE CEO Invests $100 Million in China Energy

GE Chairmen and CEO Jeff Immelt who Obama appointed as a member of his Economic Recovery Advisory Board and who stood behind Obama during the Presidents "Jobs Act" all while Obama was bashing companies for investing overseas opened a 100 Million Dollar Contest in CHINA to fund Energy Innovation as GE expects energy revenue in China to Grow. Way to lead by example.

Eric Saub

Insanity is $23 Million Per Job

As if the government does not have enough problems to worry about the Department of Energy is working on taxpayer guaranteed loans for “green energy” projects. With the cost per job at $23 million it is no wonder that so many Americans are unemployed.

If a private investor wanted to spend $23 million per job that is their insanity however the Obama administration wants to take more money away from entrepreneurs, small business and investors who are the real job creators so he can continue to regulate and tax away our prosperity to fund an ever growing government.

Eric Saub