Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Oregon Bad for Business

During the “Great Recession” (Dec 07 – June 09) the United States lost 271,553 or 3.52% of business establishments with employees. In Oregon we lost 5,349 or 4.72% ranking Oregon 42 out of 51.

Entrepreneurs fueled by private investor’s fuel economic growth through small business not the government. However if we are going to transform Oregon from a state of high unemployment and low opportunity into a thriving and prosperous state we need a state government that will stop oppressing job creators but instead create a welcoming environment  and unleash our abundance of natural and renewable resources.

They can start with lowing personal income and capital gains tax which are the highest in the country @ 11% as well as corporate income and capital gains that place 28th in the nation at 7.6%.

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